Body and soul health

They believe that the emotional and physical health of their children is more important than their desires and inclinations.
Greenspace, natural flower pots, and caring flowers are a part of our health program.
The growth route that started with the swimming of children deems sports a vital aspect.
Sport in Rah-e Roshd is a field to provide the children of this land the opportunity to experience life free from concerns and prepare for unexpected occasions.

Swimming school

From 1997, children of Rah-e Roshd had an alternative for visiting swimming pools with their friends: Rah-e Roshd Swimming School! Through all these years, this school developed activities, and now it provides services to children from kindergarten to high school. Teaching starts from the basic principles such as knowing the properties of water and continues with classes of the four main swimming styles (front crawl, back crawl, breaststroke, and butterfly stroke), lifeguard training, synchronization training classes (rhythmic movements in water, limited to girls), and water polo training classes on different levels.

We are responsible for the emotional and physical health of students and society.

(Our culture)


The green school

Now she knows her land and has fixed her gaze on the milky way galaxy.
She has a practical model for the behavior of the elements to sense the speed of the sensors. Till the cells of a finding in a field as large as the magnetism of the cosmos reaches the philosophy of the creation.
She thinks about the future of society and herself.
A future stuck by the sinus of the accidents, struck by men