City of friendship

Her eyes are filled with tears. She turns the pages of a notebook that its smell would be the most memorable scent of her mind.
She experiences having classmates, back each other up, and having teammates.
She doesn’t merely play in the yard; she also understands friendship on the benches and sees it.
She raises her hands and speaks her mind skillfully.
Now she chooses independently.
That small wise girl now has turned into a capable claimant.
Now your eyes are filled with tears. You see that your small host has grown up.


The way to the primary school

She learns the alphabet, letter by letter, till she can deliver her thoughts one day.
She creates a table, from one to a billion.
Now life has width and length.
She gives meaning to addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division in the community that she is building.
A traveler made from time decides to cooperate and celebrates knowing herself on this course.
It’s her choice.


It’s a city where friends keep their hands on the shoulders of each other.

The facilities of the primary school

Her small hands need opportunities to grow, to touch the flower of life, to create a wave from the waters of happiness, to stage a play in this harmonic tone of mathematics, and browse through this test of skill.


What’s going on in primary school?
The city of friendship is a school filled with news.







You enter through the alphabet and reach the friendships.

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